Saturday, October 4, 2008

Help! I need somebody... or at least my white blood cells do...

When I say this as my blog post, don't be super alarmed, just a clever little note to start off the post... I enjoy lists, so here's some fun little updates on my life

-  I make this post just days after having a VERY sore throat, now bear in mind, I had strep throat three weeks ago.  This sore throat was the last thing I needed, turns out I had a bacterial infection in my throat, just as painful as strep throat but less treat-able by antibotics... super bummer

-  In relation to this, next sore throat means I need to go to an ENT (ears, nose, and throat) doctor to discuss getting my tonsils removed :(

- My new roommate:  oh goodness, there is hair, snot, and smells, which has been eating away at me slowly since she arrived, i'm having some gag reflex issues...

-  Which leads me to my next announcement... I'm moving apartments, to the new ones (yess) Stay tuned for the interesting-ness of me attempting to move all my stuff, can we say nightmare?!

-  A couple weeks ago, Mike and I DTR'd the relationship, and he took me to Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party... super fun and A LOT of candy, yay for me!

-  My parents are set to come in a couple weeks, I'm in definite need of this, I miss the parentals!

-  Final random Disney moment... a little girl called me "mommy" today, very sweet but very weird at the same time...