- First off, for those following, Mikey and I broke up, turns out he wasn't the guy for me, good to figure out quickly I guess, we're attempting friends, we'll see how this goes...
- Secondly, again if you're you keep updated on my fb, I am mildy obsessed with HSM 3, rather ridiculously in fact, the current count is 4, hopefully that is the final count. (I attribute the severity of this situation due to the fact that I am in fact working for Disney right now, the culture just breeds this...)
- In relation to the previous post, I was chosen for the HSM 3 show at Hollywood Studios, I felt very entertainment-ish :)
- A bummer point, all my sickness now seems to make more sense... MONO, boo, thanks Mikey! I'm heading to the doctor tomorrow to get more blood work to see how much longer I have to feel crappy.
- Due to all the sickness, my manager gave me a week off, starting Nov 10th ! Texas here I come! I'm so excited!!
- Last but certainly one of the best points... Last weekend I was able to spend with Amy in Jacksonville (or Jax as the locals call it ) Few highlights: relaxing with Amy, nice weather, good shopping, pumpkin carving, music and pic exchanges, and of course FOOD ( I love Cami Cakes and mellow mushroom, two of my favs of the trip :) It was just an all around great weekend with Amy, a weekend that was much needed...