Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"Climb" over those TAKS tests...

Since my posts have been, what's the word, oh yeah, depressing, of late, I thought I'd post something fun, or in this case funny!

Yesterday was my final day at my Plano Elementary School before I, gasp, student teach in Dallas ISD (scary) next fall. It was super bittersweet and my kiddos even made me cards... not going to lie, I teared up in the safety of my car on the way home.

BUT... It was probably the best last day... ever! First of all, the kids have the dreaded TAKS test this week ( state test for the kiddos that they MUST pass to get to the next grade level, I know, pressure much?) With that said, the kids weren't exactly excited about learning something new the day before, so we stuck to lighter topics, aka how to relax before the test.

3rd grade was pretty status quo, discussion of good night sleep, eating a good breakfast, and bringing pencils and snacks.

4th grade was another story. I walk in and literally the first thing I hear is singing, which is bizarre. What are my 4th graders singing you ask... "The Climb." By Miley Cyrus. Acapella. Cue me laughing hysterically. Turns out 4th grade teachers thought by singing the song, the kids would know how to overcome obstacles (the TAKS test) and learn that life is a climb and blah, blah, blah. I thought it was hilarious. Not only did I get to hear my kids sing the song, but, oh yeah, the other four fourth grade classes. Each one better and better in my mind... some of those kids are pretty tone deaf (they sound pretty close to how I do :)

The Miley song was pretty good, but probably the topper of the morning was one of the notes from my kids... "Miss Parsons, I like you in more ways than one." HAHA, creeper in the making, but once again, chuckles over here laughs every time I read it!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Ironic Much?

I won't lie, these last couple weeks have been.... frustrating for me. I'd like to attribute this frustration primarily to school and my crazy professors, which they are, but in all fairness, they are not the only reason. I think the main thing is I have too many things on my plate and my priorities are not where they should be, which is... a slight problem. School is monotonous, work is same old, same old, the apartment is a mess, I'm just... struggling. I know, blah, blah, blah, stop throwing a pity party right? Right.

With that said, I found myself blog stalking this fine evening after the aforementioned pity party... I like to blog stalk, some people are so with it on their blogs, I am jealous, in a good way of course. Long story short, I was blog stalking a friend of a friend twice removed when I came across something... curious. Blazoned atop a recent blog post was a very familiar seal... SMU's School of Education seal to be exact. I was intrigued. Reading the post, I was struck with deja vu... wait, this looks familiar. Turns out this "friend" applied for the program that I am currently in. Her story of being accepted is EXACTLY mine... talk about ironic. I was struck with two thoughts: 1- Run for the hills girl, get out while you still can!! and 2- Oh man, that was me a year ago, all bright-eyed and bushy tailed... excited to start this new journey!

I can't say the last year has been easy, especially now with my doubts of this choice, but I can say how I felt THEN, I knew 100% this is the path God wanted me on. Is it still that path? I find myself asking that question a lot. I am reminded that life is not easy, I don't live in a fantasy world, and sometimes, you really do have to "suck it up." The only thing I can say is that the light is at the end of that tunnel... I will make it and I will ultimately be happy in the choice I have made. Those kids' faces every morning and afternoon will be worth it, I just have to survive until then.

God give me strength!